What is Islam - eBook
9. If a fasting person vomits unintentionally, the fast will not break, irrespective of whether he vomits a mouthful or less. [1] However, if he vomits intentionally, his fast will break in the case where the vomit is a mouthful or more. If he vomits intentionally, but the vomit is less than a mouthful, the fast will not break. [2]
7. If some food particle is stuck in the teeth, and during the fast, the food particle goes down the throat, then if the food particle is less than the size of a chanaa (chickpea), the fast will not break. If it is equal to or more than the size of a chickpea, the fast will break and only qadha will be waajib. [1]
After purchasing the land to construct the musjid, Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) instructed the Sahaabah (radhiyallahu ‘anhum) to cut down the date palms and level the graves of some disbelievers that were on the land. Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) then instructed them to produce unbaked bricks, and he himself joined the Muhaajireen and Ansaar in the production of these bricks as well.
4. If while fasting, a fly or some smoke or dust accidentally entered the throat, the fast will not break. However, if one had intentionaly swallowed the fly or inhaled the smoke, the fast will break and only qadha will be waajib.
At the time when Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) entered Madinah Munawwarah on the occasion of the hijrah, he was riding his camel. Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) left the reins of the camel loose as the camel was being divinely directed by Allah Ta‘ala.
The camel went to the locality of the Banu Najjaar clan and sat down at a certain place. It then stood and came to the home of Hazrat Abu Ayyoob Ansaari (radhiyallahu ‘anhu), indicating that Allah Ta‘ala had selected his home to be blessed with the honour of hosting Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam). Thereafter, the camel again stood and returned to the first place where it had sat down.
The Islam of Hazrat Salmaan bin Islam Faarsi (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) – Part Six
Written by user2(Continuing the Incident of Hazrat Salmaan Faarsi [radhiyallahu ‘anhu])
Hazrat Salmaan Faarsi (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) says:
On one occasion, Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) said to me, “O Salmaan! Make a deal of kitaabat with your master (i.e. an agreement where the slave will earn his freedom if he pays a certain fixed amount of wealth to his master).”
When I spoke to my master (and proposed the kitaabat), he said, “If you pay me forty ooqiyah of gold, and plant three hundred date palms for me, then when the date palms begin bearing fruit, you will be free.”
The Islam of Hazrat Salmaan bin Islam Faarsi (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) – Part Five
Written by user2(Continuing the Incident of Hazrat Salmaan Faarsi [radhiyallahu ‘anhu] embracing Islam)
Hazrat Salmaan (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) continues:
After climbing down from the date palm, I began to ask the arriving Jew, “Tell me! What were you just talking about? Tell me the news as well!” On seeing this, my master became angry, delivered a hard slap to my face and said, “What business is it of yours? Do your work!”
When the evening arrived and I had completed my work, I gathered whatever wealth I possessed and presented myself before Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam). At that time, he was residing in Quba.
The Islam of Hazrat Salmaan bin Islam Faarsi (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) – Part Four
Written by user2(Continuing the Incident of Hazrat Salmaan Faarsi [radhiyallahu ‘anhu] embracing Islam)
Hazrat Salmaan Faarsi (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) continues:
I continued living with this Jewish master in Madinah Munawwarah, attending to his date palms in Banu Quraizah. In the meantime, Allah bestowed Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) with nubuwwah in Makkah Mukarramah. However, since I was a slave and remained engaged in the service of my master, I had absolutely no knowledge of this.
When Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) performed hijrah, coming to Madinah Munawwarah, then on arriving in Quba, he began to stay at the Banu Amr bin Auf clan. At that time, I was at the top of a date palm, engaged in some work, while my master was seated beneath it. It was then that another Jew, who was my master’s cousin (father’s brother’s son) came and began to say to him, “May Allah destroy the Qaylah (the Ansaar)! They are gathering around a man in Quba who has come from Makkah, and they are saying that he is a Nabi and Messenger of Allah.”
The Islam of Hazrat Salmaan bin Islam Faarsi (radhiyallahu 'anhu) – Part Three
Written by user2(Continuing the Incident of Hazrat Salmaan Faarsi [radhiyallahu ‘anhu] embracing Islam)
Hazrat Salmaan Faarsi (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) continues:
As we reached the valley of Qura, the caravan I was traveling with betrayed me by enslaving me and selling me to a Jew. After coming with him (to his house), I saw a number of date palms and thought to myself that this was perhaps the same land (i.e. the same land of date palms which the aalim of Umooriyyah had mentioned will be the place to which the final Nabi will perform hijrah).
1. If a fasting person forgetfully eats, drinks, or has intercourse, the fast will not break. [1] However, if he intentionally eats, drinks, or has intercourse, then both qadha and kaffaarah will be waajib. [2]
2. After eating forgetfully, if a fasting person intentionally ate, thinking that his fast had already broken, then his fast will break. However, only qadha will be waajib upon him. Kaffaarah will not be waajib upon him. [3]
3. If one sees a fasting person eating or drinking forgetfully, then if the fasting person is healthy and strong, it will be waajib (compulsory) to remind him that he is fasting. However, if the fating person is weak, then he should not remind him that he is fasting. Rather, he should leave him to continue eating. [4]