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Thursday, 12 September 2024 10:13

Earning a Halaal Livelihood Featured

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Allah Ta‘ala has created man for the sole purpose of worshipping Him and fulfilling His commands. However, in order for man to fulfil this obligation, he will need to eat, drink and sustain his life in the world. Hence, Allah Ta‘ala has allowed man to earn a halaal livelihood, as this will assist him in fulfilling his primary purpose in the world.

Earning halaal wealth in a halaal manner cannot be over emphasized. Hazrat Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) said that Allah Ta‘ala had given the believers the very same command that He had given the Ambiyaa and Rasuls (‘alaihimus salaam) – the command of earning and consuming that which is halaal.

The reason for Allah Ta‘ala commanding the Ambiyaa, Rasuls (‘alaihimus salaam) and believers to earn and consume halaal is that earning haraam and consuming haraam will only lead to one’s peril and destruction. If one consumes haraam, then one will be motivated to carry out haraam actions and the noor of the heart will be totally lost. Similarly, one’s good deeds will lose acceptance.

Read 172 times Last modified on Thursday, 12 September 2024 10:17