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What is Islam - eBook


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Pages: 64



Friday, 01 December 2023 04:56

Sunnats and Aadaab of Discharging Zakaat – Part Two

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4. Regard the recipient of the zakaat as doing you a favour, as he is the means of you fulfilling your fardh obligation. Through him accepting your zakaat, he is cleansing your wealth from impurity. [1]

5. Give the zakaat to the recipient with respect and dignity. You should not cause any pain to the recipient of zakaat e.g. by embarassing him or reminding him of your favour upon him. [2]

6. Do not discharge zakaat for show nor publicize the amount of zakaat you have discharged. Carrying out good deeds for show and ostentation destroys the rewards of the good deeds. [2]

Friday, 01 December 2023 04:50

Sunnats and Aadaab of Discharging Zakaat – Part One

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1. When discharging zakaat, ensure that you discharge the zakaat from pure, halaal earnings. It is reported in the Hadith that Allah Ta‘ala does not accept charity given from impure wealth (i.e. haraam or doubtful wealth). [1]

2. Discharge zakaat with complete sincerity and with the intention of fulfilling the command of Allah Ta‘ala and earning His pleasure. [2]

3. Zakaat must be given happily and wholeheartedly. Do not regard zakaat to be a tax or a burden. [3]

Not Receving Reward for One’s Salaah

Hazrat Abdullah bin Mas’ood (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) mentioned, “We have been commanded to establish salaah and discharge zakaat, and the one who does not discharge his zakaat, there is no salaah for him.” [1]

The Ulama explain this Hadith to mean that though the obligation of salaah will be fulfilled, the person will not receive any reward for his salaah on account of him not discharging his zakaat. From this Hadith, it is clear that when a person neglects one branch of Deen, a detrimental effect is witnessed in all the other branches of Deen. Hence, just as neglecting zakaat impacts on salaah, similarly neglecting salaah will impact on zakaat and all the other branches of Deen. [2]