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Tuesday, 10 September 2024 11:00

The Unparalleled Generosity and Compassion of the Ansaar Featured

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The manner in which the Ansaar fulfilled the right of the pact of brotherhood with the Muhaajireen, and the extent of their sincerity in giving preference to the Muhaajireen over themselves, was such that it is impossible to find any parallel and likeness for it in the annals of history.

When it came to their wealth, lands and assets, then the Ansaar showed generosity to the Muhaajireen by giving them lands and orchards. However, over and above this, such examples of generosity are found among the Ansaar that if a person had two wives, he would say to his Muhaajir brother, “(Choose whichever wife you want from the two.) Whichever wife you wish, I will divorce her, and after the divorce (and iddah period), you may marry her.”

Hazrat Anas (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) narrates, “No Ansaari Sahaabi regarded himself as being more deserving of his wealth than his Muhaajir brother.”

Hence, when the Muhaajireen witnessed the unmatched compassion and unrivalled sacrifices of the Ansaar, they said, “O Rasul of Allah! These people whom we have come to and settled among are such that we have not come across anyone more compassionate, more sincere in giving comfort to us, and more devoted than them, as whether in times of comfort or hardship, they are always prepared to assist. We fear that they will acquire all the reward while we will be deprived of reward.” Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) replied, “No, you will not be deprived of reward so long as you continue making dua for them.”

In other words, the kindness one may show someone through making dua for them is no less than the kindness one receives from them in the form of gold and silver. Rather, the kindness of making dua for them is even superior to the kindness of receiving wealth from them. Let alone a few dirhams, if the riches of the entire world were to be placed on one pan of the scale and just a single sincere dua is placed on the other pan, then insha Allah the pan of dua would outweigh the pan of riches (as one is begging Allah Ta‘ala to bestow His special grace upon the person, and the treasures of Allah Ta‘ala are unlimited).

(Extracted from Seeratul Mustafa 1/439-440)

Read 211 times Last modified on Tuesday, 10 September 2024 11:02