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Imaam Muslim (rahimahullah) (6)

Monday, 14 February 2022 16:28

The Demise of Imaam Muslim (rahimahullah) – Part Seven

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Imaam Muslim (rahimahullah) passed away in the month of Rajab in the year 261 AH. At the time of his demise, he was either 55 or 57 years old (based on the two different reports regarding the year in which he was born).

Regarding the cause of the demise of Imaam Muslim (rahimahullah), Ahmed bin Salamah has reported the following incident:

On one occasion, Imaam Muslim (rahimahullah) held a gathering to discuss Hadith. Thereafter, while they were discussing Hadith, a certain person quoted a Hadith which Imaam Muslim (rahimahullah) did not have knowledge of. This filled Imaam Muslim (rahimahullah) with concern and he thus wished to locate the Hadith.

Allah Ta‘ala had blessed Imaam Muslim (rahimahullah) with many illustrious Ustaads, the likes of Imaam Ahmed bin Hambal (rahimahullah), Ishaaq bin Raahwayh (rahimahullah), Abdullah bin Maslamah Qa’nabi (rahimahullah), Qutaibah bin Sa’eed (rahimahullah),Yahya bin Ma’een (rahimahullah), Abu Zur’ah (rahimahullah), etc. (Siyar A’laamin Nubalaa 12/561)

The Muhadditheen explain that from all the ustaads whom Imaam Muslim (rahimahullah) had benefited from, it was Imaam Bukhaari (rahimahullah) who had played a significant role in molding him into the great Imaam that he became. Hence, the illustrious Muhaddith, Imaam Daaraqutni (rahimahullah), says, “If it was not for Imaam Bukhaari (rahimahullah), Imaam Muslim would have not treaded the path of Hadith.” (Sharh-u-Sharh-i-Nuhkbatil Fikar pg. 280)

Sunday, 16 January 2022 09:47

The Status of Saheeh Muslim – Part Four

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There is consensus of the Ulama that the Saheeh of Imaam Muslim (rahimahullah) and the Saheeh of Imaam Bukhaari (rahimahullah) are the two most authentic kitaabs after the Qur’aan Majeed. From the two, the Saheeh of Imaam Bukhaari (rahimahullah) is regarded as more authentic and holds a higher rank. (Tadreeb-ur-Raawi 1/96)

Imaam Muslim (rahimahullah) mentioned, “I presented this kitaab of mine (Saheeh Muslim) to Imaam Abu Zur’ah (rahimahullah). Every Hadith in this kitaab, in which he found some weakness and showed me some problem – I left it out and did not include it in the kitaab, and every Hadith regarding which he said, ‘It is saheeh (authentic), and there is no weakness in it,’ – then these are the Ahaadith which I kept in my kitaab.” (Siyar A’laamin Nubalaa 12/568)

Sunday, 05 December 2021 17:37

The Saheeh of Imaam Muslim (rahimahullah) – Part Two

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Allah Ta‘ala had blessed Imaam Muslim (rahimahullah) to author many different kitaabs. Some Ulama have listed approximately thirty-five kitaabs which Imaam Muslim (rahimahullah) wrote during his life. (Al-Imaam Muslim – Saahib-ul-Musnad Al-Saheeh pg. 121-142)

From all the kitaabs which Imaam Muslim (rahimahullah) had compiled, his compilation known as ‘Saheeh Muslim’ is most well-known, and has received universal acceptance.

Sunday, 28 November 2021 09:20

Imaam Muslim (rahimahullah) – Introduction – Part One

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Name: Muslim bin Hajjaaj bin Muslim bin Ward bin Kooshaaz (rahimahullah)

Kunyah (filial title): Abul Husain


There are different views reported regarding the year in which Imaam Muslim (rahimahullah) was born. Some Ulama say that he was born in the year 204 AH, while other Ulama say that he was born in the year 206 AH.

According to ‘Allaamah Ibnu Katheer (rahimahullah), Imaam Muslim (rahimahullah) was born in the year 204 AH. (Al-Bidaayah wan-Nihaayah 14/556)

According to Haafiz Ibnus Salaah (rahimahullah), Imaam Muslim (rahimahullah) was born in the year 206 AH. This view of Haafiz Ibnus Salaah (rahimahullah) has been reported by ‘Allaamah Ibnu Khallikaan (rahimahullah). This view has also been preferred by Haafiz Ibnul Atheer (rahimahullah). (Wafayaat-ul-A’yaan 5/195 and Muqaddimah Fat-hul Mulhim 1/210)