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Thursday, 18 January 2024 06:32

Increase or Decrease before the Zakaat Date Featured

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After possessing the nisaab amount, if a person receives any additional wealth during the course of the year, then on the completion of the zakaat year, this additional amount will be included in his zakaatable assets, on condition that the additional wealth remained with him until his zakaat date. Hence, zakaat will be calculated and discharged on the entire amount that he possesses at the time of his zakaat date.

E.g. Zaid possessed R100 000. Zaid’s zakaat year ends on the 1st of Ramadhaan. A few days before the 1st of Ramadhaan, he received a lump sum of R1 000 000 in inheritance. Zaid will have to pay zakaat on the R100 000 as well as the R1 000 000.

Similarly, if his wealth decreased before his zakaat date, he will not have to pay zakaat on the amount that decreased. Rather, he will only pay zakaat on the amount which he possessed on his zakaat date.

E.g. Zaid possessed R100 000. Zaid’s zakaat year ends on the 1st of Ramadhaan. A few days before the 1st of Ramadhaan, he spent R50 000. Zaid will not have to pay zakaat on the R50 000 that he spent. Rather, he will only have to pay zakaat on the remaining R50 000.

[1] والمستفاد ولو بهبة أو إرث وسط الحول يضم إلى نصاب من جنسه فيزكيه بحول الأصل (رد المحتار 2/288)

[2] ومن كان له نصاب فاستفاد في أثناء الحول مالا من جنسه ضمه إلى ماله وزكاه المستفاد من نمائه أولا وبأي وجه استفاد ضمه سواء كان بميراث أو هبة أو غير ذلك (الفتاوى الهندية 1/175)

[3] وأما المستفاد في أثناء الحول فيضم إلى مجانسه ويزكي بتمام الحول الأصلي سواء استفيد بتجارة أو ميراث أو غيره (حاشية الطحطاوي على مراقي الفلاح صـ 715)

Read 350 times Last modified on Tuesday, 23 January 2024 10:17