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Saturday, 18 January 2025 19:23

The Islam of Hazrat Sirmah bin Abi Anas (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) Featured

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Hazrat Sirmah bin Abi Anas Ansaari Najjaari (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) was attracted to tauheed from the very beginning, and he abhorred and shunned kufr and shirk.

Once, he even intended to embrace Christianity, but then changed his mind (most probably on account of the shirk beliefs of the Christians).

He was a great aabid (a devoted worshipper) and zaahid (one who is disinterested in the dunya). He lived the simple life of an ascetic. He never wore fine clothing, rather he was always dressed in rough, course clothing.

He built a special room exclusively for his worship. Women in their menses and people in the state of janaabat (impurity) were not allowed entry into this room. He would often declare, “I am worshipping the Rabb of Nabi Ebrahim (‘alaihis salaam).”

He was a celebrated poet of his era. His poetry was replete with words of wise counsel and good advice.

When Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) arrived in Madinah Munawwarah after his migration, Sirmah was already very old and advanced in age. He presented himself before Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam), embraced Islam and recited the following verses of poetry:

ثوى في قريش بضع عـشرة حجة     يذكر لو يلقى صديقا مواتيا

He (Rasulullah [sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam]) resided for over ten years among the Quraish, offering them good counsel and advice, while hoping to find some friend to support and assist him.

ويعرض في أهل المواسم نفسه     فلم ير من يؤوي ولم ير داعيا

And he would present himself to the pilgrims (during the season of Haj), but he did not find anyone willing to offer him sanctuary or anyone willing to assist him in inviting to Allah Ta‘ala.

فلما أتانا أظهر الله دينه     فأصبح مـسرورا بطيبة راضيا

When he came to us (in Madinah Munawwarah), Allah made His deen dominant, so he was pleased and happy with Madinah.

وألفى صديقا واطمأنت به النوى وكان له عونا من الله باديا

(On coming to Madinah Munawwarah,) he found a friend, and he also felt consoled from the grief brought about by the separation from his birthplace, and his friend was an open supporter for him from Allah’s side.

يقص لنا ما قال نوح لقومه     وما قال موسى اذا جاب المناديا

He (Rasulullah [sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam]) relates to us those things which Nabi Nooh (‘alaihis salaam) and Nabi Moosa (‘alaihis salaam) had related to their people.

فأصبح لا يخـشى من الناس واحدا قريبا ولا يخـشى من الناس نائيا

(On coming here to Madinah Munawwarah, he enjoys such safety and relief that) he does not fear any person, whether a close person or a distant person.

بذلنا له الأموال من جل مالنا    وأنفسنا عند الوغى والتآسيا

We have surrendered all our wealth to him, whilst at the time of war, we sacrifice our lives for him and in assisting one another at the time of tragedies (and difficulties).

ونعلم أن الله لا شيء غيره     ونعلم أن الله أفضل هاديا

We firmly believe that there is nothing (which has permanent existence) besides Allah, and we firmly believe that He is the Best Guide.

نعادي الذي عادى من الناس كلهم    جميعا وإن كان الحبيب مصافيا

We regard every person to be our enemy who is his enemy, even though that person may be a beloved, sincere friend to us.”

(Extracted from Seeratul Mustafa 1/460-462)

Read 317 times Last modified on Saturday, 18 January 2025 19:33