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Saturday, 05 February 2022 10:36

A Guest in Madinah Munawwarah

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Abdus Salaam bin Abil Qaasim Saqali (rahimahullah) says that a certain person narrated to him his personal experience saying:

Once, I was in the blessed city of Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam), and since I did not have anything to eat, my body became very weak. Finally, I went to the Rowdhah Mubaarak and said, “O the Master of all the people who came before you and those who will come after you! I am a man from Egypt who has been residing close to you for five months. I am now very weak due to hunger. I beg Allah Ta‘ala in du‘aa, and I ask you, O Rasul of Allah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam), to please arrange someone for me who will either feed me, or assist me to travel back to my home.”

I then made some other du‘aas, after which I sat near the mimbar. While I was seated at the mimbar, a man suddenly entered, went to the Rowdhah Mubaarak and began to speak. While he was speaking, I could hear him saying, “O my beloved grandfather! O my beloved grandfather!”

Thereafter, the man came to me, held my hand and said, “Stand up and come with me!” I thus stood and accompanied him. We left the musjid from Baab-e-Jibreel and then continued walking until we had passed Jannat-ul-Baqee and came to a tent where a male and female slave awaited. The man said to them, “Stand up and prepare food for our guest!”

Hence, the slave stood, gathered firewood and lit a fire, while the slave girl ground the grain into flour and prepared bread. While they prepared the meal, the man kept me entertained by engaging me in conversation. Eventually, when the slave girl brought the bread, the man divided it into two portions. She then brought a container of ghee. The man took the container and poured ghee onto the bread. The slave girl also presented us with dates of an excellent quality.

The man requested me to eat, and I did so, but I ate just a little and then ceased eating. Noticing the small amount that I had eaten, the man requested me to eat more. I thus ate to my fill, and when I ceased eating and he again asked me to eat me, I said, “O my master! I have not eaten wheat in many months (thus my stomach will not manage if I eat more). I have eaten enough and do not desire anything else.”

The man then took the other portion of the bread and combined it with the bread that I had not finished. Thereafter, he brought a bag and two saa of dates. He placed the bread and dates into the bag and asked me, “What is your name?” I replied by informing him of my name. He then said to me, “I beseech you by Allah! Please do not complain to my grandfather (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) as this brings him much pain and worry. From this day onwards, whenever you are hungry, your food will be sent to you. Allah Ta‘ala will also arrange for your transport back to your home.”

The man then said to the slave, “Accompany him back to the Rowdhah of my grandfather (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam).” I thus set out with the slave, and as we were passing by Jannat-ul-Baqee, I said to him, “You may return now for I am nearly at the Rowdhah.” However, the slave responded saying, “O master! By Allah! I cannot return until I leave you at the Rowdhah Mubaarak. If I do not take you until the Rowdhah, Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) may inform my master.” He thus accompanied me until the Rowdhah Mubaarak, after which he bade me farewell and departed.

For the next four days, I continued to eat from the food that the man had given me. Finally, when the food was depleted and I was hungry once more, the slave unexpectedly brought me more food. This continued, where every time my food depleted and I was hungry, the slave would suddenly arrive with food. In this manner, they continued to feed me, until Allah Ta‘ala arranged for me to join a caravan who were traveling to Yambu’ so that I could return home.

(Wafaa’-ul-Wafaa 4/202-203)

Read 857 times Last modified on Sunday, 13 February 2022 05:52