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Wednesday, 26 February 2025 04:29

Suffah and As-haabus Suffah – Part Two Featured

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Imaam Mujaahid (rahimahullah) mentions that Hazrat Abu Hurairah (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) would say:

I swear by that Being besides whom there is no other deity that quite often, overwhelmed with hunger, I would lay my chest and stomach onto the ground (so that the moisture and coolness of the ground may alleviate the heat of my hunger to some extent). Occasionally, I would fasten a stone to my stomach merely to keep my back straight.

One day, I seated myself at one of the main roads when Hazrat Abu Bakr (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) happened to pass by. I asked him to explain a certain verse of the Quraan Majeed to me, but my actual aim was that he might catch sight of my pitiful condition and take me along for a meal. However, Hazrat Abu Bakr (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) went away (without realizing my objective).

A little while later, Hazrat Umar (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) happened to pass by. In the same way, I also asked him to explain a certain verse of the Quraan Majeed to me (hoping that he would see my condition and take me for a meal), however he also went on his way.

A little while later, Abul-Qaasim (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) - whom Allah Ta‘ala had commissioned as a “Qaasim” (distributor – of blessings) happened to pass by the same way.

The moment his gaze fell on me, he realised my intention. Smiling at me, he said, “O Abu Hirr! (referring to Hazrat Abu Hurairah)” I replied, “O Rasul of Allah! I am at your service!” Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) then said to me, “Come along with me!”

I went along with him to his house. As he entered his home, he found a bowl of milk present. Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) asked, “Where did this milk come from?” His family replied, “So-and-so person sent it as a gift for you.” He then said to me, “O Abu Hurairah! Call the As-haabus Suffah!”

Hazrat Abu Hurairah (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) relates:

The As-haabus Suffah were the guests of Islam. They neither had a place to live nor were they in possession of any wealth. Whenever any charity came to Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam), he would send it over to them without partaking of any part of it (because sadaqah was haraam for him). Whenever he received a gift, he would partake of it and include the As-haabus Suffah in it as well.

Now, when he asked me to call the As-haabus Suffah, I found it a bit difficult on my nafs, as I thought to myself, “How would this one bowl of milk suffice for all the As-haabus Suffah? I am most eligible to drink this milk. At least I will be able to regain some of my strength. Furthermore, after the arrival of the As-haabus Suffah, I myself would be instructed to distribute the milk to them, after which there is no hope that anything will be left for me.” Nevertheless, there was no way out for me besides obeying Allah and His Rasul (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam).

Hence, I went and called the As-haabus Suffah, and as per Rasulullah’s (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) instruction, I began calling them one by one to drink the milk. When all of them drank to their fill, Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) smiled at me and said, “Only you and I are left now.”

I responded, “That is correct.” Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) then said to me, “Sit down and drink.”

I began to drink, and as I was drinking, he repeatedly said to me, “Drink more! Drink more!” until I was completely satiated and exclaimed, “I swear by that Being who has sent you with the truth! I do not have any space left for me to drink more!”

Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) then took the bowl from my hand, praised Allah, said bismillah and drank whatever remained in the bowl.

(Extracted from Seeratul Mustafa 1/464-466)

Read 28 times Last modified on Friday, 28 February 2025 05:29