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Tuesday, 08 March 2022 17:19

Mi’raaj – Coming to the First Heaven and Meeting Nabi Aadam (‘alaihis salaam)

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When Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) arrived at the first heaven, Hazrat Jibreel (‘alaihis salaam) sought permission to enter. The angel who was the gatekeeper of the first heaven asked Hazrat Jibreel (‘alaihis salaam), “Who is the person with you?” Hazrat Jibreel (‘alaihis salaam) replied, “He is Muhammed, the Rasul of Allah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam).” The angel then asked, “Was he invited here?” When Hazrat Jibreel (‘alaihis salaam) replied in the affirmative, the angel opened the gate and said, “Welcome to you!”

Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) then entered the first heaven where he saw a man who was very advanced in age. Hazrat Jibreel (‘alaihis salaam) then said to Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam), “This is your father, Nabi Aadam (‘alaihis salaam). Greet him with salaam.” Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) thus greeted Nabi Aadam (‘alaihis salaam) with salaam. Nabi Aadam (‘alaihis salaam) replied to the salaam and also said:

مرحبا بالابن الصالح والنبي الصالح

Welcome to the one who is my pious son, and a pious Nabi!

Nabi Aadam (‘alaihis salaam) also made du‘aa for Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) to be blessed with goodness.

At that time, Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) saw some forms (of people) on the left and right side of Nabi Aadam (‘alaihis salaam). When Nabi Aadam (‘alaihis salaam) would look at the forms on his right, he would become pleased, and when he would look at the forms on his left, he would begin to weep.

Hazrat Jibreel (‘alaihis salaam) explained, “On the right side of Nabi Aadam (‘alaihis salaam) are the forms of his pious children. They are the As-haab-ul-Yameen (people on the right wing) and the people of Jannah. On seeing them, Nabi Aadam (‘alaihis salaam) becomes pleased and happy. On his left side are the forms of his bad and evil children. They are the As-haab-e-Shimaal (people on the left wing) and the people of Jahannum. On seeing them, Nabi Aadam (‘alaihis salaam) becomes sad and grieved.”

According to other narrations, there was a door on the right side of Nabi Aadam (‘alaihis salaam), and an extremely fragrant smell could be perceived from this door. Likewise, there was another door on the left side of Nabi Aadam (‘alaihis salaam), and an extremely bad odour could be perceived from this door. When Nabi Aadam (‘alaihis salaam) would look to the right, he would become pleased, and on looking to the left, he would become sad and grieved.

(Extracted from Seeratul Mustafa 1/301-302)

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