When Hazrat Tufail (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) came to Makkah Mukarramah, then a few people of the Quraish came to him and said, “A person has appeared among us who has created discord and disunity among the people. His speech contains the effect of sorcery, to the extent that it causes relationships to break between father and son, between brothers, and between husband and wife. We urge you to remain far from him, as we fear that you and your people may be afflicted by this calamity. As far as possible, refrain from listening to anything that he says.”
The Quraish warned Hazrat Tufail (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) to such an extent that Hazrat Tufail (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) even stuffed a piece of cloth into his ears to seal them, so that the words of Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) could not even enter his ears by mistake. As a result of Hazrat Tufail (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) stuffing his ears with cotton, the people began to refer to him as “Zul Qutnatain” (the person with two pieces of cotton).
(To be continued)
(Extracted from Seeratul Mustafa 1/282-283)