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Monday, 09 November 2020 10:38

The Muwatta of Imaam Maalik (rahimahullah) – Part Four

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When Imaam Maalik (rahimahullah) completed writing his Muwatta, he was greatly concerned as to whether he had written the kitaab with ikhlaas (complete sincerity).

In order to gauge whether the kitaab was written with ikhlaas, he asked Allah Ta‘ala to show him a sign. The sign that he wished to see is that if he places the kitaab in water, and if the ink of the pages does not wash off, then this will prove as a sign that he wrote the kitaab with ikhlaas.

On the contrary, if it washes off and mixes with the water, then this will prove as a sign that he did not write the kitaab with sincerity.

Hence, he placed the kitaab in water, and after removing it, found that the entire kitaab, with all its pages, was dry. From this, he understood and was pleased that the kitaab was written with ikhlaas.

Note: Allah Ta‘ala deals with certain servants in special ways, and this action of Imaam Maalik (rahimahullah) was on account of his special relationship with Allah Ta‘ala and thus cannot be used as a gauge for every person to determine whether he has ikhlaas in his actions or not.

(Sharh-uz-Zurqaani ‘alal-Muwatta pg. 3)

Read 1116 times Last modified on Monday, 09 November 2020 10:40