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Sunday, 13 August 2017 06:43

The Importance of all Departments of Deen

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Haafiz ibn ‘Abdil Barr (rahimahullah) narrates the following:

‘Abdullah Al-‘Umuri (rahimahullah), who was renowned for exerting himself in ‘ibaadah, once wrote a letter to Imaam Maalik (rahimahullah) in which he exhorted Imaam Maalik (rahimahullah) to go into seclusion and exert himself in ‘ibaadah. Imaam Maalik (rahimahullah) wrote the following reply:

Allah has indeed divided and distributed A’maal (righteous deeds and actions of worship) just as He has divided and distributed sustenance. Hence, how many a person is blessed to perform abundant Salaah, yet is not blessed to fast abundantly? Another person may be blessed to give abundant charity, yet is not blessed to fast abundantly, and there may be another person who is blessed to strive in Jihaad. The propagation of ‘Ilm (Deeni knowledge) is among the most virtuous of righteous actions, and I am happy and content that Allah has chosen this ‘ibaadah for me. Furthermore, I do not regard the ‘ibaadah that I am involved in to be any less virtuous or important than the ‘ibaadah that you are involved in. Rather, I hope that we are both on the path of righteousness and piety.

(Siyar A’laam min Nubalaa’ 8/114)

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