He then asked me, “How much do you think remains (of my life)? It seems that that which has passed is more than that which remains.” He then handed me his old khuff and said, “Place a patch over this portion and close all the tears.” He then said, “Do you know how long I have had this khuff? I have had it for approximately sixteen years, and when I received it, it was already used. As for this new khuff, it has distracted my heart.”
(Manaaqib Imaam Ahmed libnil Jowzi pg. 345)
Note: From this incident, we understand the level of abstinence of the world which Imaam Ahmed (rahimahullah) upheld in his life. Even though it was permissible for him to use the new khuff, he did not want it to turn his heart away from the Hereafter and distract him from his goal.
May Allah Ta‘ala bless us with the spirit of devotion which these illustrious Imaam’s had in their lives, and bless us with the taufeeq of making the Hereafter our real goal.