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Sunday, 01 April 2018 06:07

A Few Qualities of Imaam Ahmed (rahimahullah)

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Marroozi (rahimahullah) mentions:

I did not see poor people honored in any majlis (gathering) more than they were honored in the majlis of Imaam Ahmed (rahimahullah). Imaam Ahmed (rahimahullah) was more inclined towards the poor than the rich and wealthy. He was blessed with the quality of tolerance and forbearance, and would not act on impulse or haste. He was extremely humble at all times, and was an embodiment of dignity and respect. When he would sit in his majlis after ‘Asr to attend to people’s problems and answer their deeni queries, then he would not speak until a question was posed to him. When he would proceed to the musjid, he would not walk ahead of people (showing himself to be distinguished and different from the people).

(Siyar A’laam min Nubalaa vol. 9 pg. 460)

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