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Friday, 22 September 2017 05:12

The Generosity of Imaam Abu Hanifah (rahimahullah)

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Qais bin Rabee’ (rahimahullah) narrates the following:

Imaam Abu Hanifah (rahimahullah) would send merchandise to Baghdad which would be used to purchase goods. These goods would thereafter be brought to Kufah. The profit of these goods (through trading in them), from one year to the next, would accumulate by Imaam Abu Hanifah (rahimahullah).

Imaam Abu Hanifah (rahimahullah) would use this profit to purchase the food and clothing of the great Muhadditheen and ‘Ulamaa and to see to all their needs and requirements. After seeing to all their needs and requirements, some wealth would remain from the profit. He would give them this remaining portion of the profit saying, “Spend on your needs and do not praise anyone besides Allah Ta‘ala, for I have not given you anything from my own wealth. Rather, it is the favor of Allah Ta‘ala upon me that I give to you. This (that I am giving to you) is the profit of your merchandise (i.e. Imaam Abu Hanifah (rahimahullah) had allocated from his wealth a certain portion for fulfilling the needs of the Muhadditheen and ‘Ulamaa. The profits that accrued from that wealth, after trading in it, would be spent on them). By Allah! It is your sustenance that Allah Ta‘ala uses me to provide to you, as nobody is able to provide for the creation of Allah Ta‘ala besides Him.

(Manaaqib Imaam Abi Hanifah wa-Saahibayhi liz-Zahabi pg. 30)

Read 1538 times Last modified on Friday, 22 September 2017 05:30