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Saturday, 20 March 2021 05:32

Emulating the Kuffaar

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Q: What does emulating the kuffaar mean? Is it only confined to clothing or does it also relate to other aspects of one's life? We see the kuffaar driving cars and eating and drinking in plates and cups and we Muslims also do the same. Is this not also emulating the kuffaar in our actions?

A: Emulating the ways of the kuffaar refers to one abandoning his Islamic identity and adopting the identity which is exclusive to the kuffaar. In other words, all such aspects (religious or worldly) by means of which a believer is identified and clearly distinguished from a disbeliever - for a Muslim to abandon that and to adopt the ways of the kuffaar amounts to emulating the ways of the kuffaar.

Hazrat ‘Abdullah bin ‘Umar (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) reports that Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) said, “The one who emulates a people will be counted among them (in the sight of Allah Ta‘ala).”

Emulating the kuffaar is of different levels.

1. Emulating the kuffaar in their religious beliefs is haraam and amounts to kufr, e.g. for a Muslim to subscribe to the belief that Hazat Isa (Alayhis Salaam) was crucified on the cross.

2. Emulating those signs or symbols that identify with kufr is haraam and amounts to kufr, such as wearing a cross.

3. Emulating the kuffaar in their religious ceremonies, celebrations or festivals is haraam, e.g. for a Muslim to celebrate Diwali, Christmas, New year, Easter etc.

4. Emulating the kuffaar in their religious attire is makrooh-e-tahreemi, e.g. for a Muslim to wear an attire that is exclusive to a religious groups (e.g. wearing a saari in our country).

5. Emulating the kuffaar in their culture and lifestyle is also impermissible, e.g. emulating them in their tight-fitting and revealing clothing, women wearing men’s clothing and vice versa, men wearing ear-rings, celebrating birthdays, tattooing, women and men freely intermingling, etc.

Wearing such clothes that are not exclusive to the kuffaar, but are instead used by all and sundry e.g. wearing jackets, socks, men wearing formal clothes and women wearing unrevealing dresses is permissible and does not amount to emulating the kuffaar.

Similarly carrying out those actions or using those items which are not exclusive to the kuffaar; instead they are commonly used by all, e.g. driving cars, eating and drinking in cups and plates, etc. does not amount to emulating the kuffaar. However one should refrain from drinking in wine tumblers as this is exclusive to the kuffaar.

As far as the clothing that a Muslim should wear, it is preferable that he wears such clothing which have some type of Islamic connotation, i.e. the clothing of the pious and respectable Muslims.

And Allah Ta‘ala (الله تعالى) knows best.

عن ابن عمر قال قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم من تشبه بقوم فهو منهم. (سنن أبي داود رقم 4033)

من تشبه بقوم أي من شبه نفسه بالكفار مثلا في اللباس وغيره أو بالفساق أو الفجار أو بأهل التصوف والصلحاء الأبرار فهو منهم أي في الإثم والخير. (مرقاة شرح مشكاة 4/431)

يكفر بوضع قلنسوة المجوس على رأسه على الصحيح إلا لضرورة دفع الحر والبرد وبشد الزنار في وسطه إلا إذا فعل ذلك خديعة في الحرب وطليعة للمسلمين وبقوله المجوس خير مما أنا فيه يعني فعله ... وبخروجه إلى نيروز المجوس لموافقته معهم فيما يفعلون في ذلك اليوم وبشرائه يوم النيروز شيئا لم يكن يشتريه قبل ذلك تعظيما للنيروز لا للأكل والشرب وبإهدائه ذلك اليوم للمشركين ولو بيضة تعظيما لذلك لا بإجابة دعوة مجوسي حلق رأس ولده وبتحسين أمر الكفار اتفاقا حتى قالوا لو قال ترك الكلام عند أكل الطعام حسن من المجوس أو ترك المضاجعة حالة الحيض منهم حسن فهو كافر كذا في البحر الرائق. (الفتاوى الهندية 2/276)

عن عمرو بن الحارث ، أن رجلا دعا عبد الله بن مسعود إلى وليمة ، فلما جاء ليدخل سمع لهوا ، فلم يدخل ، فقال : ما لك رجعت ؟ قال : إني سمعت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول : من كثر سواد قوم فهو منهم ، ومن رضي عمل قوم كان شريكا في عملهم. (إتحاف الخيرة المهرة رقم 3297)

Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)

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