What is Islam - eBook
The Praises and Glorification of the Ambiyaa (‘alaihimus salaam)
On the journey of mi’raaj, when Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) met with the souls of the Ambiyaa (‘alaihimus salaam), then each one of them praised and glorified Allah Ta‘ala in a unique manner.
The Praise and Glorification of Nabi Ebrahim (‘alaihis salaam)
Nabi Ebrahim (‘alaihis salaam) praised Allah Ta‘ala in the following words:
الحمد لله الذي اتخذني خليلا وأعطاني ملكا عظيما وجعلني أمة قانتا يؤتم بي وأنقذني من النار وجعلها عليّ بردا وسلاما
All praise is due to Allah Who blessed me to be His Khaleel (close friend), and granted me great authority, and Who has made me an imaam (in deen) to be followed by people, and made me a devoted servant (to Him), and Who saved me from the fire by making it cool and safe for me.