What is Islam - eBook
The Praises and Glorification of the Ambiyaa ('alaihimus salaam) – Continued
The Praise and Glorification of Nabi Sulaimaan (‘alaihis salaam)
الحمد لله الذي سخر لي الرياح وسخر لي الشياطين يعملون ما شئت من محاريب وتماثيل وجفان كالجواب وقدور راسيات وعلمني منطق الطير وآتاني من كل شيء فضلا وسخر لي جنود الشياطين والإنس والطير وفضلني على كثير من عباده المؤمنين وآتاني ملكا عظيما لا ينبغي لأحد من بعدي وجعل ملكي ملكا طيبا ليس فيه حساب
All praise is due to Allah who subjugated the winds for me, subjected the shayaateen to my control, making for me whatever I wish of castles, images, basins like reservoirs, and large cauldrons fixed in their places, and Who taught me the speech of birds, and blessed me with every bounty out of His sheer grace, and subjected to my control the armies of shayaateen, men and birds, and Who favored me over many of His believing slaves, and bestowed me with a magnificent kingdom that will not be granted to anyone after me, and Who made my kingdom such that it is pure and I will not be made to account for it.