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Tuesday, 06 April 2021 05:11

The Second Migration to Abyssinia

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After the Sahaabah (radhiyallahu ‘anhum) returned from Abyssinia, the disbelievers began to persecute the Muslims even more than before. Hence, Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) once again permitted the Sahaabah (radhiyallahu ‘anhum) to migrate to Abyssinia.

Thereafter, when the Quraish saw that the Sahaabah (radhiyallahu ‘anhum) were living in peace and safety in Abyssinia and they were practising Islam in peace, they held an urgent meeting in which they appointed ‘Amr bin ‘Aas and ‘Abdullah bin Abi Rabee‘ah as their representatives to Najaashi, the Emperor of Abyssinia, as well as his ministers, in order to try and win them over to the side of the Quraish.

Accordingly, ‘Amr bin ‘Aas and ‘Abdullah bin Abi Rabee‘ah travelled to Abyssinia. They commenced by presenting the ministers of Najaashi with gifts. They then said to them, “A few foolish and naïve people of our city have renounced their ancestral religion and taken refuge in your city. They did not renounce their ancestral religion in order to accept your religion of Christianity. Rather, they have adopted an entirely new religion which neither us nor you are familiar with. Our leaders have sent us to your king to request him to hand these people over to us. We request you to intercede to the Emperor on our behalf and ask him to hand them over to us without speaking to them or having any discussion with them.”

Nonetheless, after presenting their gifts and pleading their case before the ministers, the representatives of the Quraish received their full support.

(Extracted from Seeratul Mustafa 1/243-248)

Read 807 times Last modified on Tuesday, 06 April 2021 05:17