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Monday, 04 March 2024 04:43

The Islam of Hazrat Salmaan bin Islam Faarsi (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) – Part Two Featured

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(Continuing the Incident of Hazrat Salmaan Faarsi [radhiyallahu ‘anhu] embracing Islam)

Hazrat Salmaan Faarsi (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) mentions:

On arriving in Shaam, I asked the people, “Who is the greatest priest among the Christians?” The people told me the name of a certain priest, and hence I went to him and informed him of my entire incident.

I also said to him, “I wish to remain in your company to learn about your religion. I am interested in your religion and it appeals to me. If you permit, I will remain in your service, study this religion, and perform prayers with you.”

The priest agreed, but after remaining with him for a few days, I found that he was not a good person. He was extremely greedy and desirous of wealth. He would instruct others to give alms and charity, and when they would then bring their charities to him, he would accumulate it and keep it for himself instead of giving it to the poor and destitute. In this manner, he had accumulated seven earthen-vessels filled with gold coins.

After he died, the people assembled to attend to his burial and shrouding etc. while still thinking good of him. At that time, I revealed the priest’s true condition to them and showed them the seven earthen-vessels filled with gold coins.

On seeing their charity which he had accumulated for himself, the people exclaimed, “By Allah! We will never bury such a person!” Eventually, his body was suspended from a cross after which people pelted it with stones. Thereafter, another priest was appointed as his successor.

Hazrat Salmaan (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) continues:

(Prior to Islam,) I had not seen any person who was a greater aalim than him, a greater worshipper and ascetic than him, more disinterested in the world than him, more abstinent from the dunya  than him, more devoted to the hereafter than him, and more engrossed in his prayers and worship than him. The amount of love which I possessed for this aalim was more than the love I had ever possessed for anyone else.

I remained in the service of this aalim until he left this world. As he neared his final moments, I said to him, “Please give me some parting advice, and tell me whose service I should go and remain in after you?” He replied, “There is a certain aalim in the city of Mowsil. You should go to him.”

Accordingly, I went to the aalim in Mowsil, and after he passed away, I followed his parting advice to me and went to an aalim in Naseebeen. I remained with this aalim until he passed away, and after his demise, according to his final instruction to me, I went to an aalim in the city of Umooriyyah and remained in his service.

When the time for him to pass away drew near, I addressed him and said, “I remained in the company of so-and-so Ulama (before you). Now, tell me, where should I go to?” The aalim replied, “To the best of my knowledge, there is not a single aalim on the straight path to whom I can refer you. However, the time for a Nabi to appear has drawn close. This Nabi will tread the path of the deen of Nabi Ebrahim (‘alaihis salaam). He will appear in the land of Arabia. He will perform hijrah (migrate) to a land of date palms. If it is possible for you to go there, then ensure that you do so. The signs through which he will be recognized are that he will not consume charity, but he will accept gifts, and the seal of prophethood will be seen between his shoulder blades. When you see him, then you will surely recognise him.”

During this time, I had accumulated a few goats and cows for myself. Coincidentally, I met a caravan which was heading towards Arabia. I said to them, “Take me along with you, and I will give you all these goats and cows.” They accepted my offer and took me along with them.

(To be continued insha Allah)

(Extracted from Seeratul Mustafa 1/420-421)

Read 425 times Last modified on Monday, 04 March 2024 04:47