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Saturday, 02 December 2023 06:08

The First Jumu’ah Khutbah of Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) Featured

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The khutbah (sermon) which Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) delivered on the occasion of the first Jumuah which he performed – the Jumu’ah in Banu Saalim - was such that its every word was saturated in eloquence, its every letter was a cure for spiritual maladies and a source of life for the spiritually dead hearts, and its every word was sweeter and more enjoyable than exquisite wine. The words of this khutbah are as follows:

(الحمد لله) أحمده وأستعينه وأستغفره وأستهديه وأؤمن به ولا أكفر وأعادي من يكفره

 “All praise is due to Allah. I glorify Him, I beseech His assistance, I beg His forgiveness and I plead to Him for His divine guidance. I bring imaan in Him and I do not disbelieve in Him, and (in fact,) I oppose those who disbelieve in Allah.”

وأشهد أن لا إله إلا اللّٰه وحده لا شريك له وأن محمدا عبده ورسوله أرسله بالهدى والنور والموعظة على فترة من الرسل وقلة من العلم وضلالة من الناس وانقطاع من الزمان ودنو من الساعة وقرب من الأجل

 “I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship besides Allah, who is alone and has no partner, and I testify that Muhammed (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) is His slave and messenger. Allah Ta‘ala sent him (to this earth) with guidance, spiritual radiance and good counsel at a time when it was the interval between Rasuls, when there was a scarcity of knowledge, when people were deviated and astray, and the era (of Rasuls in the world) was ending, the Day of Judgement had drawn near and the world was close to its termination.”

من يطع اللّٰه ورسوله فقد رشد ومن يعصهما فقد غوي وفرط وضل ضلا بعيدا

 “The one who obeys Allah and His Rasul (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) is rightly guided, while the one who disobeys them has undoubtedly deviated into misguidance, has transgressed and has strayed far from the path of guidance.”

وأوصيكم بتقوى الله فإنه خير ما أوصى به المسلم المسلم أن يحضه على الآخرة وأن يأمره بتقوى الله فاحذروا ما حذركم الله من نفسه ولا أفضل من ذلك نصيحة ولا أفضل من ذلك ذكرى وإن تقوى الله لمن عمل به على وجل ومخافة من ربه عون صدق على ما تبغون من أمر الآخرة

 “I advise you to adhere firmly to taqwa (the fear and consciousness of Allah), because this is the best advice which one Muslim can impart to another Muslim - that he encourages him to strive for the Hereafter, and that he enjoins him to hold firmly onto taqwa. Hence, refrain from that which Allah Himself has warned you about. There is no better advice than holding onto taqwa, and there is no better reminder than holding onto taqwa. Certainly, the taqwa of Allah Ta‘ala, for the one who upholds it, while fearing his Rabb, is a true means of assistance to acquire that which you desire in the Hereafter (i.e. Jannah).”

ومن يصلح الذي بينه وبين الله من أمره في السر والعلانية لا ينوي بذلك إلا وجه الله يكن له ذكرا في عاجل أمره وذخرا فيما بعد الموت حين يفتقر المرء إلى ما قدم

 “The one who rectifies his external as well as his internal affairs with Allah Ta‘ala, and his intention is solely to acquire the pleasure of Allah Ta’ala, then this (external and internal rectification) will be a source of him attaining honour in this world, and it will be an immense treasure (of reward) for him after his death, at the time when a person will be most in need of the good deeds he has sent ahead (to the Hereafter).”

وما كان من سوى ذلك يود لو أن بينه وبينه أمدا بعيدا ويحذركم اللّٰه نفسه والله رؤوف بالعباد

 “As for that (conduct and those actions) which is contrary to this (taqwa), then (the one who led a life contrary to taqwa,) he will (on that day) wish that there was a vast distance between him and it (his evil deeds), and Allah cautions you about Himself (His punishment etc.), and (this caution which Allah Ta‘ala gives you is because) Allah is most kind to His servants.”

والذي صدق قوله أنجز وعده لا خلف لذلك فإنه يقول عز وجل ما يبدل القول لدي وما أنا بظلام للعبيد

 “He (i.e. Allah Ta‘ala) is the One whose word is most true. He fulfils His promises. There is no breach in His promises, as He declares, ‘The word (i.e. the decision I pass) will not change by Me, and never will I be unjust towards the slaves (of Allah Ta‘ala).’”

فاتقوا الله في عاجل أمركم وآجله في السر والعلانية فإنه من يتق اللّٰه يكفر عنه سيّآته ويعظم له أجرا ومن يتق اللّٰه فقد فاز فوزا عظيما وإن تقوى اللّٰه يوقي مقته ويوقي عقوبته ويوقي سخطه وإن تقوى اللّٰه يبيض الوجوه ويرضي الرب ويرفع الدرجة خذوا بحظكم

 Hence, fear Allah in the issues related to this world and the Hereafter, and in your private and public affairs, for certainly the one who adopts taqwa, Allah will expiate his sins and grant him an enormous reward, and the one who adopts taqwa has achieved tremendous success. Taqwa is a quality that saves one from the anger of Allah Ta‘ala, it saves one from His punishment, and it saves one from His wrath. Indeed, the taqwa of Allah will illuminate the faces on (the Day of Judgement), and it is a means of acquiring the pleasure of one’s Rabb and of one’s ranks being elevated in the Hereafter. Therefore, take your share (of this taqwa, as much as you can).

ولا تفرطوا في جنب اللّٰه قد علمكم اللّٰه كتابه ونهج لكم سبيله ليعلم الذين صدقوا ويعلم الكاذبين فأحسنوا كما أحسن اللّٰه إليكم

 Do not fall short in obeying Allah Ta‘ala. Allah has taught you (the knowledge of) His book and He has clarified His path for you so that He may know (i.e. to differentiate between) the truthful and the liars (in their claim that they have brought imaan in Him). Thus, just as Allah has done good to you, you should do good (deeds by remaining obedient to Allah Ta‘ala).

وعادوا أعداءه وجاهدوا في الله حق جهاده هواجتباكم وسماكم المسلمين ليهلك من هلك عن بينة ويحي من حي عن بينة

 Harbour enmity (in your hearts) for His enemies, and wage jihaad in His path (against His enemies), as jihaad ought to be waged. He (i.e. Allah Ta‘ala) has selected you and He has named you as Muslims (which means “His obedient servants”), so that (i.e. the objective of Allah granting you deen and naming you Muslims is that He exposes that) those who will be destroyed, will be destroyed after receiving the clear evidence (and not following it), and those who will live (as believers) will live (with insight) after receiving the clear evidence.

ولا قوة إلا باللّٰه فأكثروا ذكر اللّٰه واعملوا لما بعد اليوم فإنه من يصلح ما بينه وبين اللّٰه يكفه اللّٰه ما بينه وبين الناس ذلك بأن اللّٰه يقضي على الناس ولا يقضون عليه ويملك من الناس ولا يملكون منه

 “There is no might and power except through the assistance of Allah. Therefore, remember Allah in abundance, and carry out (righteous) actions for the time which will come after this day (i.e. the Hereafter). Certainly, the one who rectifies his affairs and relationship with Allah, Allah will suffice him in regard to that (relationship) which is between him and the people. This is because Allah decides upon the people, while the people cannot decide against Allah. He has full control over the people, while the people do not have any control over Him.”

اللّٰه أكبر ولا قوة إلا باللّٰه العظيم

 Allah is the greatest, and there is no power and might except through the assistance of Allah, the Most Magnificent.”

Note: This was the first khutbah delivered by Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) after the hijrah. Despite spending thirteen long years under the oppression of the disbelievers, he did not utter a single word in this khutbah condemning his enemies or complaining against them. Rather, he spoke of nothing but taqwa, piety and the preparation for the Hereafter. No doubt, Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) perfectly fitted the verse ‘Certainly, you are upon magnificent character’.

(Extracted from Seeratul Mustafa 1/401-405)

Read 352 times Last modified on Saturday, 02 December 2023 06:21