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Thursday, 10 June 2021 11:54

Being Recorded Among the Grateful and Patient

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عن عبد الله بن عمرو قال: سمعت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول: خصلتان من كانتا فيه كتبه الله شاكرا صابرا ومن لم تكونا فيه لم يكتبه الله شاكرا ولا صابرا من نظر في دينه إلى من هو فوقه فاقتدى به ونظر في دنياه إلى من هو دونه فحمد الله على ما فضله به عليه كتبه الله شاكرا وصابرا ومن نظر في دينه إلى من هو دونه ونظر في دنياه إلى من هو فوقه فأسف على ما فاته منه لم يكتبه الله شاكرا ولا صابرا (سنن الترمذي، الرقم: 2512)

Hazrat ‘Abdullah bin ‘Amr (radhiyallahu ‘anhuma) reports: I heard Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) mention, “There are two qualities which are such that the person who possesses them, Allah Ta‘ala will record him as a grateful and patient servant, and the person who does not possess these two qualities, Allah Ta‘ala will not record him as a grateful and patient servant. The one who, in matters of deen, looks at those who are higher than him, and thereafter follows and emulates them (to become like them), and in worldly matters, he looks at those who are who are lower than him, and praises Allah Ta‘ala for the favors that Allah Ta‘ala has granted him over them, then such a person - Allah Ta‘ala will record him as a grateful and patient servant. (On the contrary,) the one who, in matters of deen, looks at those who are lower than him, and in matters of dunya, looks at those who are higher than him, and thereafter feels remorse over him not possessing the dunya, then Allah Ta‘ala will not record him as a grateful or patient servant.”

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