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Wednesday, 13 January 2021 19:14

Hazrat Suhaib bin Sinaan (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) – Part One

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Hazrat Suhaib (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) hailed from an area that was in the vicinity of Mowsil. His father and uncle (father’s brother) were both appointed by Chosroes as governors over Ubullah.

On one occasion, the Romans launched an attack on this area. At that time, Hazrat Suhaib (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) was still a young boy. During the looting and plundering, they seized him as a captive and took him to Rome. He thus grew up in Rome, and this is the reason why he was famously known as ‘Suhaib Roomi’ (Suhaib the Roman).

Eventually, a person of the Banu Kalb tribe purchased him from the Romans and brought him to Makkah Mukarramah. After arriving in Makkah Mukarramah, ‘Abdullah bin Jad‘aan purchased him and set him free.

When Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) commenced inviting towards Islam, Hazrat ‘Ammaar (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) and Hazrat Suhaib (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) both arrived at Daar-ul-Arqam at the same time and embraced Islam.

(Extracted from Seeratul Mustafa 1/227-228)

Read 952 times Last modified on Wednesday, 13 January 2021 19:19