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Thursday, 24 June 2021 11:42

Saving Oneself from Incurring the Anger of Allah Ta‘ala

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عن عبد الله بن عمرو: أنه سأل رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: ما يباعدني من غضب الله عز وجل قال: لا تغضب (مجمع الزوائد، الرقم: 12985)

Hazrat ‘Abdullah bin ‘Amr (radhiyallahu ‘anhuma) reports that he once enquired from Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) saying, “Which action will keep me away from the anger of Allah Ta‘ala?” Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) replied, “Do not allow anger to overtake you (i.e. expressing anger in places where it is incorrect to express anger causes one to earn the displeasure and anger of Allah Ta‘ala).”

Expressing anger in places where anger is not permissible causes one to surpass the limits of Shari‘ah, thereby becoming sinful.

As for becoming angry in places where the Shari‘ah has commanded that one express anger for the sake of Allah Ta‘ala, then though it is permissible and necessary, it is important that one remain within the parameters of Shari‘ah when expressing anger.

Generally, when people become angry, they lose their composure and are unable to maintain the balance of justice. Hence, the anger becomes the means for them committing oppression or transgression. Therefore, Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) advised this Sahaabi not to become angry.

Read 932 times Last modified on Thursday, 24 June 2021 11:43