What is Islam - eBook
Monday, 01 August 2022 14:29
The Significance of the Different Ascensions and Observing the ‘Ibaadah of the Angels
Ibnul Muneer (rahimahullah) says, “Up to this point (after Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) reached the seventh heaven and met Nabi Ebrahim (‘alaihis salaam)), seven Mi’raajs (ascensions) took place.
The eighth ascension was up to Sidratul Muntaha. This ascension was symbolic of the forthcoming conquest of Makkah Mukarramah that occurred in the eighth year of Hijrah.
The ninth ascension took place from Sidratul Muntaha to Sareef-ul-Aqlaam (the site of the scratching of the pens recording taqdeer). This ascension was a sign of the expedition of Tabook that occurred in the ninth year of Hijrah.