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What is Islam - eBook


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Pages: 64



Friday, 06 March 2015 09:04

Surah Faatiha

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This is the first Surah of the Holy Quraan, not only in its present order but also in its order of revelation. Prior to its revelation, though the beginning verses of Surah Alaq and Surah Muddassir were revealed, however no complete Surah had been revealed before it. It has been placed before every other Surah in its present sequence because it is, so to say, the essence of the Holy Quraan encapsulating its main themes and the rest of the Quraan following it is its commentary.

The knowledge contained in the entire Quraan relates to either one of three themes; Imaan (faith), A’amaal-e-Saaliha (virtuous deeds) and the hereafter. The basic principles of these three have been indicated in this Surah. It is for this reason this Surah has been titled in the Ahaadith with the titles of Ummul Quraan (The essence of the Quraan), Ummul kitaab (The essence of the book) and Al-Quraanul Azeem (The Glorious Quraan).

This Surah is an instruction from Allah Ta’ala to man as to how he should supplicate to Allah Ta’ala and seek guidance from Him. The rest of the Quraan is an answer to this supplication. It is for this reason this Surah is named Al Fatiha – The Opening. The theme of this Surah is that, in order for one to benefit from the Holy Quraan, one is required to bring Imaan in the basic articles of faith (belief in the oneness of Allah, His beautiful attributes, in the hereafter, reckoning on the Day of Judgment, risaalat - following the path of His chosen servants (the Ambiyaa) and refraining from the pathways leading to his disobedience). Similarly this Surah directs man towards achieving his goal through turning completely to Allah Ta’ala, seeking guidance from Him and refraining from the path leading to His anger and the path of misguidance. If one recites this Surah and studies it with an open mind and heart as a true seeker of the truth, he will be blessed with true guidance from Allah Ta’ala.

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Read 9742 times Last modified on Saturday, 25 April 2015 10:45
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