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What is Islam - eBook


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Pages: 64



Thursday, 05 December 2024 06:19

Sunnats and Aadaab of Business and Dealings – Part Four

7. In a lease contract or a business transaction, none of the transacting parties should violate the agreed terms of the contract or transaction. If both parties agreed upon a certain price and a certain quality or quantity of the sale item, or in a lease contract, both agreed upon leasing the premises for a specific period at an agreed rate, then both parties should abide by the agreement.

Hazrat Hakeem bin Hizaam (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) reports that Hazrat Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) said, “The two transacting parties have an option (to back out of the sale) as long as they do not conclude the sale (with mutual acceptance). If they (the purchaser and seller) are truthful to each other and disclose the faults (of the merchandise), they will be granted barakah (blessing) from Allah Ta‘ala in their business transaction. However, if they lie to each other and conceal the faults (of the merchandise), then perhaps they could earn some profit through the transaction, however they will lose the blessing of the transaction.” [1]

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