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What is Islam - eBook


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Format: PDF

Size: 843 KB

Pages: 64



Monday, 18 April 2016 19:44

Hazrat Abu Zar Ghifaari (radhiyallahu 'anhu) - Part Four

The Second Narration (continued):

Hazrat Abu Zar (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) said (continuing the incident of his embracing Islam):

One bright, moonlit night, I was by the Ka‘bah when the people of Makkah Mukarramah were sound asleep. Myself aside, there were only two women present and they were making tawaaf. Whenever these women would pass by the two idols, Isaaf and Naa’ilah, they would call out to them in supplication. As they drew close to me, I called out to them in mockery of their idols, “Marry one to the other!” My statement drew no response, however, as they continued calling out to their idols in supplication. The next time they came close to me, I called out, “Your idol has a private part of wood!” except that I did not use an ambiguous word indicating towards it but rather used an explicit word to refer to the private part. This statement finally excited a response as the two women now began to go about calling out in supplication to their idols for me to be destroyed and were proclaiming, “If only some of our people were here to punish you!”

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