17. If one wishes to hear a Deeni discourse over a CD, radio, receiver etc. then it is important for one to first find out the reliability of the person who had delivered the discourse as well as the subject matter that had been discussed. Not exercising caution in this regard leads to confusion being created in one’s Deen.
قال محمد بن سيرين رحمه الله: إن هذا العلم دين فانظروا عمن تأخذون دينكم (صحيح مسلم باب بيان أن الإسناد من الدين الخ، شمائل الترمذي)
Hazrat Muhammed bin Seereen (rahimahullah) had stated, “Indeed this knowledge is your Deen, so be careful from whom you acquire your Deen.”