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Sunday, 07 April 2019 15:38

Respect for Imaam Wakee’ (rahimahullah)

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‘Amr Al-Naaqid narrates the following incident:

We were once seated in the presence of Imaam Wakee’ (rahimahullah) when Imaam Ahmed (rahimahullah) arrived and joined the gathering. He sat with extreme humility and respect.

I asked Imaam Ahmed (rahimahullah), “O Abu ‘Abdillah! Imaam Wakee (rahimahullah), honors you, so why don’t you speak freely in his presence?” Imaam Ahmed (rahimahullah) replied, “Even though he honors me, it is only befitting that I show him respect by remaining silent in his presence (and only speaking when required to speak).”

(Manaaqib Imaam Ahmed libnil Jowzi pg. 70)

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